Wednesday, March 5, 2008

And I'm back...

If anyone missed me, I was knee deep in house work, waist deep in office work and almost drowned in the weddings I had to attend. So much has been going on that I don't where to start. My maid quit. I was expecting it and it happened at the busiest possible time. Murphy's law hold true every time, doesn't it?

Got a maid on loan from my mum but she didn't cook so i had to wake up early to cook lunch and breakfast. Then get everything done for T and lug him to work. Then work all day and lug us back home (I don't really walk to work with T on my back but driving 40 kms in Delhi is no better). Fix T dinner, etc, etc and drop him to Nani home.. Finally get dressed in a saree, try to look like a million bucks and leave for the wedding parties when all I wanted was a trip to the land of nod. I managed. I lived through it somehow.

Now with the weddings over and a new maid ( my mum's network is great.. touch-wood!), I have been trying to get my sleep and sanity back.

More later..


Nat said...

so hopefully those blouses came in handy? at least one of them? lol!
oh yeah - murphy's law...never met a truer law! welcome back!

surbhi said...

u better be regular now :x

RaisingT said...

nat.. yes one of the blouses really did.. and it looked gorgeous.. so did i .. ahemmm..(atleast i'd like to believe :)).. full paisa vasool...

nc.. u bet.. have so much to write