Friday, January 18, 2008

Rude Rude People

I am probably a very weak, door-mattish person and a lousy mother. That is why I often find myself in a situation where an acquaintance just grabs my baby away from me or whoever is holding him against my wishes and better judgment. This more often than not results in poor T howling to get away from the said person or like a few hours ago catching a cold.

This is how it goes. I went to drop some papers to my parents and was supposed to leave those at the gate with the guard but turns out this women who was visiting ( a friend of theirs who I'm not particularly fond of) rushed out to meet T who was almost asleep in the maid's lap in the car. Now I was in the driver's seat and couldn't do much so this women just opened the car door, grabbed T and took him out in the cold to "play" with him. Now my baby is a real person and extremely delicate at the age of 8 months. He is NOT A TOY for strangers to play with. He feels cold and he does not like random people holding him when he's half asleep.

Though the little gentleman that he is, he smiled at her but it was a sad helpless smile that only his mum can understand. And it was freezing outside with the cold breeze blowing and the woman, in her hurry to get hold of my baby, left his blanket behind.. and because of her and of course my foolishness, T has a runny nose. Someone tell these people that this goes down as very rude and hurtful behaviour.

Also to be added to the list of such behaviour is when over zealous people try to wake up a poor sleeping baby so they can "play" with him. How would they feel if someone woke them up in the middle of their sleep and tossed them in the air. I'm sure they'll not be giggling and gurgling with joy.

As for me, I think its time I stand up for my baby regardless of who I offend.


bird's eye view said...

I agree with your last line of standing up for your baby regardless of whom you offend - if you won't who will? I learnt to be quite ruthless about it even with my parents and ILs.

RaisingT said...

True.. but isn't it the hardest to stand up for ur kid to your parents who easily retort with "this is how we brought you up"