Tuesday, January 20, 2009

This is a distress call...

I have never enjoyed a holiday more or felt more guilt for it. We got back a week ago and life has been in a turmoil. The maid trouble has finally been sorted out but T is just not himself. We left a darling little T at nani home and he's transformed into something I don't recognize at all. I should never have left him and gone off. But the holiday did us a lot of good. Touch-wood!!

Anyway, so T is a changed person. He bites and scratches people when he doesn't get what he wants. He cries at the smallest of things. And worst of all he just doesn't eat. It's like I've completely lost all that I achieved with my hard-work of 20 months in 6 days. The behavioural aspect I'm hoping will sort itself out in a while but the eating part I'm most worried about.

He used to eat everything that I put on his plate, all green vegetables, lentils, everything. For the last week, I haven't been able to put more than 3 spoons of anything in his mouth and he hasn't stayed in the high chair for more than 5 mins.

I can't stop blaming myself for letting him being fed my the maid so often (this is the one who left), but you know how kids eat better with everyone other than their mums and dads.

I'm clueless. I've exhausted all the tricks I know. He's a little unwell too. All the mommies out there... Please Help...


Anonymous said...

he'll be fine. don't panic. give him a few days to settle down. and don't forget the kaala tika.

Piper .. said...

ohh.. i`m clueless. I cant give you any tips!
But I can tell you this much : The biting and scratching part will subside. Most definitely it will! :) Its pbly a manifestation of insecurity of some kind. But it`ll get sorted out. Trust me on this.
The food part - hmm.. i dunno abt that. Lil Ishaan(my nephew) is upto the same tricks himself. My sis has been going crazy trying to feed him. No joy! I guess it must be normal for kids of his age, though they pull of hunger is something i`ll never get! :)
want more details on the honeymoon trip :)

Piper .. said...

meant how they pull of hunger..

Piper .. said...

pull off, i mean :) hmm..
feel like scratching and biting someone, myself!! :)

Anonymous said...

I am guessing this is his way of attracting attention to himself...still might be dealing with the fact that he was away from you for a week.

Give it another week or two, once he knows u guys are for real and not about to vanish in to thin air, he'll be back to his usual sunny lovely self :)

RaisingT said...

Thanks guys.. you all are right.. it is an insecurity thing.. and it is fading with time...
Just the food part is terrible.. but i'm hoping that will go back to normal too..once he feels a little better...

RaisingT said...

Thanks guys.. you all are right.. it is an insecurity thing.. and it is fading with time...
Just the food part is terrible.. but i'm hoping that will go back to normal too..once he feels a little better...

Anonymous said...

and by the way did u see...the ladies all giving gyaan on this don't even have babies ;)

dipali said...

I'm sure things are better now!
And you went to Phuket- Wow! Post about it, please:)

RaisingT said...

its much better now.. Dipali.. the Phuket post will come up soon .. promise :)

the mad momma said...

welcome to the terrible twos and stop fretting sweets. got nothing to do with your trip

the mad momma said...

welcome to the terrible twos and stop fretting sweets. got nothing to do with your trip