Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The joys of motherhood..

T finally managed to keep me home by falling sick. He was running high fever last night so obviously going to work was out of question. On days like these I realize the importance of not being in a regular job. Though I have been labeled a dukandaar by P.

I'm glad I stayed home. T is much better now after a visit to the doctor.
Isn't motherhood totally worth it when your baby spends an hour playing with your tummy. The tummy which no one else will look at and abs is just not the right word for it anymore. It is a soft, cushiony lump of fat that little T loves to sleep on and press as if kneading dough (so you can picture how much fat there is) while I make funny faces and noises much to his delight.

Then we spent half an hour looking for "meetha dai" (sweet homeopathic medicine) that T and spilt all over the bed. We scouted for every last little ball on the bed... with T chirping along.. "Meetha dai kaha gayi.. dhundu dhundu" (where is the sweet medicine.. search..).

The evening was spent at the Deer Park that T adores and then we headed out to look for "Ravanas" around town. Most of the usual places where the Ravana effigies were burnt till last year were surrounded by construction work. So the tall structures we spotted from a distance were either Delhi Metro pillars or some huge machine building a flyover. After much scouting we finally spotted the mighty Ravana with his two companions. T took some time to take it all in and was finally excited to bits.. Infact we plan to go early morning tomorrow for another look before it all burns down..

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