Monday, September 1, 2008

Up 'a te te ..

That means "up and down" in T speak these days and it really means that P should pick him up and throw him in the air and sing " Up and down and up and down..."

The change in his verbal prowess has led to a lot of ordering around now..

Conversation with the dog -

"doey (zoey) seet (sit)" with a strong finger pointed at the poor dog even though she is sitting.

"doey hoto(hato- move aside)" with the wave of a hand..

Conversation with mommy -

"maama andh (hand) " asking for my hand " baal (bahar- outside)"..

At the high chair "maama bas , bye" (maamma enough.. now go away.. bye)

When P left for work he told T to take care of mamma and be the "Man of the house".. T would repeat every word but soon enough it becomes "Man of on the house".. since off/on is the new favourite repeat morning to night phrase :)

Here's the little baldie trying to sleep with the dog..


Perakath said...

Where was this dog last time?!

RaisingT said...

Its at my mum's place.. ask NC she'll tell u all about it..

Piper .. said...

what a cutie he is! Just like my lil nephew! they`ll be coming over for 2 weeks tomorrow. I`m excited as hell!! :)

Mira's mom said...

Hey, lovely conversations and an equally nice photo! :-) Believe me, nothing melts moms more than this cute baby right in the middle of it :-)

surbhi said...

hey! no photo credits???

RaisingT said...

Piper.. have fun..its lovelye to have these little ones around..

Mira's mom.. i know.. i read your post about the cat :)

NC.. oh wil add it next time.. btw T woke up this morning calling out to "massi".. must hav dreamt of you..

Piper .. said...

there`s something for you at my blog