Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Things to be done asap...

Okay I can not control all but I need to really get a grip on all that I can. I have to

- Write out a detailed diet chart for T with the timings so if I leave him at home, people know what to feed him when.

- Set T's bed time and a routine like we used to sometime back.. just lost it all amidst broken bones and fevers. This will give him some structure and us the much needed time together.

- Hire two good, well paid people at work (reception and sales) to strengthen my team so I don't worry so much about work when I'm stuck at home.

- Spend two days completely at home to train the new maids.

- Take my sis out for some plays/movies and somehow let her know that I really do care and i'm so glad she's here.

- List out options for P's work and help him decide a direction (a Gantt chart is what he needs)

- Be ready to join back work full time by 9th or 13th June if the vacation works out.

- Start exercising or I'll loose the little form and shape that I'd got into. Also dinner time needs to be moved between 7 & 8 pm.


Piper .. said...

Way to go,gal! :-))

Anonymous said...

Hey,how was the holiday? Why arent you blogging anymore? And how`s Lil T doing?

surbhi said...

visit me for more regular Baby T updates :-)

surbhi said...
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