Friday, June 20, 2008

I should tell you..

whats really been happening. I have been exceptionally busy though the main reason for not writing anything is the list I posted the last time. Everytime I open the blog and read the to do list before writing a new post and I get distracted by the fact that I lot on that list is still undone or a work in progress. I get down to either making T's diet chart or phoning people about the staff I need. By the end of that, its too late to write.
So today I decided to not read the list and write first instead. The holiday was fun. We went to this quiet little hilly village in Uttrakhand and stayed in a lovely cottage. The place was run by a delhi family and was done up amazingly well.. straight out of a home magazine. Every room a different color theme. T had a fabulous time with his nana nani. He was very happy with the arrangement of nana being right in the next room. And he found his true love - A peach or let me say a zillion peaches straight off the trees.

This place had an orchard around, so we were surrounded by peach and plum trees. T thought they looked like balls and for once it wasn't forbidden to be put in his mouth. So at all times of the day he would had both his hands full with peaches at different stages of consumption. I was just happy he was eating something.

Before I forget to mention again... Little T is bald now. We did the mundan on 30th and a small get together for relatives. I somehow lived through it all. He was alright during the head shaving but misses his hair. Some days back I caught him trying to pick up some strands of my fallen hair from the floor and stick to his head. It was hilarious and sad at the same time. I should post a recent picture of his since nc hasn't done it either.

We are off again in a couple of days for another short holiday. This time its just me, T and nc visiting some family. I'm nervous about T's first flight and his first trip without papa. He is quite a handful now and I get completely exhausted running behind him and trying to feed him. NC is confident we'll handle him and have a good time too. Time will only tell.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Things to be done asap...

Okay I can not control all but I need to really get a grip on all that I can. I have to

- Write out a detailed diet chart for T with the timings so if I leave him at home, people know what to feed him when.

- Set T's bed time and a routine like we used to sometime back.. just lost it all amidst broken bones and fevers. This will give him some structure and us the much needed time together.

- Hire two good, well paid people at work (reception and sales) to strengthen my team so I don't worry so much about work when I'm stuck at home.

- Spend two days completely at home to train the new maids.

- Take my sis out for some plays/movies and somehow let her know that I really do care and i'm so glad she's here.

- List out options for P's work and help him decide a direction (a Gantt chart is what he needs)

- Be ready to join back work full time by 9th or 13th June if the vacation works out.

- Start exercising or I'll loose the little form and shape that I'd got into. Also dinner time needs to be moved between 7 & 8 pm.

Status Quo it is...

and I hate it. T is sick again. The maid is sick again and this time its a different maid. I'm stuck at home again. The sis is bored and is considering going back early. I haven't been able to spend much time with her because of the maid situation and the ailing T. She isn't getting along with the folks. We were planning a holiday together, all of us, but doesn't seem to be working out. I haven't seen her film as yet which i'm dying to but she will have to be made to believe over and over again that I really want to see it till I finally can. I feel miserable about her not being happy here but I just don't know what to do. I have a strange dependant relationship with my parents and it drives me up the wall most of the times. Now sis thinks everything needs to be put right which it does but can someone tell me how? Talking it out is not an option. We speak different languages.

P isn't doing too well either. Things are stagnant at the work front. Its started to get to me and I've started to get to him. Sis things I should take control of the situation and do something about it. I have been trying but I can't. Its the man's work, he has to figure it out. I really can't do anything about it other point him to the options I know of and push him once in a while. Life has come to a stand still at a very unhappy point.