Friday, August 22, 2008

NC is leaving..

Three months come to an end. Her vacation is over. I don't want to write how nervous I am about her leaving or how much I will miss her. She will hate me if I delve too much on that.

I just want to tell her that the last three months have been the best part of the year. In spite of me being busy with my life, I did try my best to give her as much time as I could. Maybe it wasn't good enough but knowing all that she knows about my life she will understand how I tried.

All the troubles did not magically vanish when she landed here but it was a lot easier to handle them when she was around. The burden somehow seemed lighter.

I apologize for all that I couldn't do for her when she was around. We did not spend enough time together. I did not talk to her enough. I did not listen to her enough. We didn't go out enough. I haven't taught her how to cook dal. Not that I'm the best person for that but anyway.
I did skip my diet so we could enjoy eating out. I skipped work often enough. I ignored P and T at times. I went to a holiday I didn't want to. I really did try to do my best.
All this is just so that I can tell her that don't hate me, our family or Delhi for not giving you all that you expected out of these last months.
Please Please come back and keep coming back and not just for T's sake.

1 comment:

Piper .. said...

hey, cheer up gal! I`m sure NC understands. You know, its only natural to think that you havent spent enough time, when somebody is leaving.But for someone who loves and understands you,I`m sure she cherishes all the times you guys spent together.I know it`ll painful for a while, this separation. But you`ll do fine. Eventually. *Hugs*